
In the age of complex and costly educational devices, Toby aims to solve the learning difficulties of children on the autism spectrum in a simple yet economical manner.
The system uses simple technologies to monitor and interpret hand movements on a TFT display.
The idea of integrating and concealing this product's technological core inside a cheerful and unusual desk arose from the need to remove any further barrier between the user and their learning.
This is not a toy, but it entertains children in a playful and constructive way. It's much more than a desk: it's an innovative concept designed specifically for children.
The design and the research into the semantics of its form allow the young user to interact freely and intuitively.
Technology becomes accessible even to the youngest children, offering endless space for their creativity and supporting their leisure time and learning.
In collaboration with KWA DESIGN GROUP


  • San Benedetto del Tronto - AP - 63074
  • Via Col Fiorito, 5
  • Phone +39.349.8161774
  • Silvi Marina -TE - 64029
  • Via Abruzzo, 141
  • Phone +39.338.3637348
  • Sydney 2019
  • 15/25 Chelmsfortd Av - Botany NSW
  • Phone +61(0) 406 296370